Returns / Refund Policy
- We do not accept any requests for cancellations, returns or refund. Goods once sold will not be revoked or cancelled under any circumstances. No refunds will be made under any condition (except as per clause 2.1)
- Vedicseva – Sole Proprietor . reserves the right to cancel the order at its discretion, under the following circumstances: after receipt of confirmed order, due to any unforeseeable circumstances in-case the delivery of services cannot be rendered wholly due any constraint pertaining to the order, offerings / service, terms and conditions, limited / Non availability of certain resources etc necessary to complete the services.
- Vedicseva – Sole Proprietor . shall refund You in case the order is cancelled as per above clause
2.1. The funds received for that order shall be refunded via the same means thru which the funds were credited to Vedicseva – Sole Proprietor . acquiring bank account or by using authorized payment gateway service provider. The funds shall be refunded with 15 working days.